Thursday, March 08, 2018

Microservice Concept

Idea originated from SOA(Serve Oriented Architecture). What it suggest is to decompose/divide your application into small part and create a separate service for each part.

As a separation development/test/maintainability will be easy.

Any language will be taken into consideration while creting service. Basic concept that need to be keep in mind while creating microservice is it has to be loosely coupled with protocol i.e. https etc and it must be fine-grained (i.e. Service granularity principle). Service granularity principle specify the SCOPE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL granularity. i.e. how much business and technical intake and output will be done by one service. Four parameter that take part while thiking of Service Granularity are

(1) Business function:- How much business is exposed bu the W/S. If needed we can add login to exposed more than one function.
(2) Performance:- Service need to be made in such a fashion that number of request should be less.
(3) Message Size:- As a W/S what the data size that is going to send in and out per call.
(4) Quality-of-service :- Each service should perform a single system-level transection and should keep the data integrity.

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