Analytics is a concept that is added in couchbase in such a fashion you don't need to do the ETL -Extract, transer and load for manipulating the data.
Let's say we have some huge historical data in Tableu or AWS S3 or Couchbase itself and we want to do some analytics on that data for knowing future trend the best way is to use the Analytics option of the Couchbase server UI.
As shown above in figure we need to click on the Analytics option in the left panel.
Analytics provide you two flavor, either you can connect remote db such as AWS S3 or Tableu or couchbase of you can connect to local one.
As I did not have AWS S3 I planned to connected to local using below configuration. Click on the add collection for the Local link and create a dataset as shown below.
you have to select source i.e backet and its index applied to it. If needed here itself you can give the where clause the data that is going to be captured from the source.
Once you save the dataset you can directly see the dataset added in your local link.
Now you can directly query your dataset and get the data from the source. As shown in the below figure. We did not need to do any extraction , transfer and load of the data.
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