Wednesday, March 31, 2021

ISTIO Setup in Window with Kubernetes (minikube and kubectl) and Docker containers.

 Lets now try to use to concept of Service mesh using ISTIO

As per the site ISTIO

ISTIO makes it easy to create a network of deployed services with load balancing, service-to-service authentication, monitoring, and more, with few or no code changes in service code.
so in short we can do many things that is mandate in Micro service architecture do be done by developer but not the part of Business logic rather than part of network engineering. ISTIO take all this efforts from the developer by using concept like side care pattern and deploy Envoy proxy one to one for each Microservices.

Please refer to for knowing ISTIO architecture.

Now to work with ISTIO on window lets create its environment stepwise. As we know ISTIO work sith Docker and Kubernetes so lets install this in our window environment.

Please follow below step religiously :-
Step 1- Install Docker
you can install docker for window from belwo location.

By default Docker Desktop will add docker to your path. confirm the same using below command

The above will install docker desktop for you in windows machine.

Step 2- Install Minikube and kubectl for kubernetes env

Kubernetes can be used in following different ways
a:- using minikube
b:- using KIND (Kuberenetes in docker)
c:- using docker desktop
d:- using cloud base kubernetes.

As we are using ISTIO for windows we will now deploy the kubernetes in our windows machine. You can do it by two ways

1- Docker Desktop come with inbuild kuberenetes

2- Yon can download the kubectl cli tool from below url
Once you download this kubectl add it in your path. Reconfirm using below command

3- you can install Kubernetes using minikube.
download the minikube-installer from below location

You can either use below chocolate command. for executing below command you need to first install chocolatey from powershell from below url.

choco install minikube

or directly install the exe by downloading from below url. I am using below url to download exe.

Add this in your class path and reconfirm using following commands.

Step 3- Setup of ISTIO

Now as our base is ready with installed docker as container engine and Kubernetes (minikube and kubectl cli tool) as an container orchaestra. we are fine to install now ISTIO.

First we will install Core ISTIO and ISTIOD in kubernetes.

Lets start the process ……….

Step 1- Start minikube with some default parameter. As we need some base memory and ram to work with ISTIO so we will start minikube with that parameter you can get this command in below link.

minikube start –memory=16384 –cpus=4

When executing above command it give me error saying you need to use cpus as 2 and memory as 8071

Check the setting in docker desktop it might look like this

Lets change it as per the given below screen shot.

click apply and restart.

Noew execute the command again

minikube start –memory=4000 –cpus=4

Now lets download the ISTIO setup on site it says you can install ISTIO using CURL command
other way is to go directly to the repository and download the same.

I downloaded the istio-1.9.2-win package. Extract that and keep the folder inside C drive

and inside C:\istio-1.9.2\bin we will get istio command line tool istioctl.

Lets add that in our path and confirm the same using

Step 2:- Now we will install our ISTIO in our minkube cluster

Lets check the name space and pods in our minikube

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get ns
default Active 7d4h
kube-node-lease Active 7d4h
kube-public Active 7d4h
kube-system Active 7d4h

as shown above we did not have any ISTIO namespace

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get pod
No resources found in default namespace.

Also we did not have any ISTIO pod in the minikube.

This proves that we have empty minikube cluster now lets install ISTIO using this command

C:\Users\Siddhartha>istioctl install
This will install the Istio 1.9.2 profile with [“Istio core” “Istiod” “Ingress gateways”] components into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N) y
✔ Istio core installed
✔ Istiod installed
✔ Ingress gateways installed
✔ Installation complete

As shown above this installation will install

Istio core and Istiod that is the demon for istio along with ingress to allow traffic to flow in and out of our minikube through ISTIO.

Now lets check what we get in namespace

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get ns
default Active 7d5h
istio-system Active 2m39s
kube-node-lease Active 7d5h
kube-public Active 7d5h
kube-system Active 7d5h

As shown above we get now istio-system in name space.

Now lets check what we pod we have in this name space istio-system

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get pod -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway-7cc49dcd99-skkcp 1/1 Running 0 3m6s
istiod-db9f9f86-f4l9d 1/1 Running 0 3m14s

Above pod in name space clearly shows that we have two pod one with istiod and one with ingress running in our minikube cluster.

Now we know how the ISTIO work. it inject envoy side car proxy one to one for each MicroService.

Step 3- Configuring or installing M/S

So now lets deploy microservice. for easy use we are using ready made microservice provided by google.
We are using Microservice from the give link.

Inside this we will have release folder

we will need the yml file that contain all the things that are needed to deploy this microservice in our minikube environment.

Lets download that and keep that in our C drive

Now lets apply this yml file kubernetes-manifests.yml to deploy the microservice using below command.

C:\kubernetes-microservice-yml-files>kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests.yml

This will deploy all the microservices in our default name space.

Lets check if the pod is running with this command

C:\kubernetes-microservice-yml-files>kubectl get all
pod/adservice-f787c8dcd-nkm57 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/cartservice-67b89ffc69-hc9rs 1/1 Running 4 14m
pod/checkoutservice-75db8bf6f6-ckb9s 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/currencyservice-68887d98fd-p9hv6 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/emailservice-5f8fc7dbb4-xprk7 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/frontend-5c4745dfdb-8mcc4 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/loadgenerator-86f46dcb88-x52s8 1/1 Running 6 14m
pod/paymentservice-6658569876-4xhxm 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/productcatalogservice-587f8bc64-5brb8 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/recommendationservice-78965f984b-wsrx5 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/redis-cart-74594bd569-vn9h8 1/1 Running 0 14m
pod/shippingservice-6998959488-9rn5g 1/1 Running 0 14m

service/adservice ClusterIP 9555/TCP 14m
service/cartservice ClusterIP 7070/TCP 14m
service/checkoutservice ClusterIP 5050/TCP 14m
service/currencyservice ClusterIP 7000/TCP 14m
service/emailservice ClusterIP 5000/TCP 14m
service/frontend ClusterIP 80/TCP 14m
service/frontend-external LoadBalancer 80:30899/TCP 14m
service/kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 7d6h
service/paymentservice ClusterIP 50051/TCP 14m
service/productcatalogservice ClusterIP 3550/TCP 14m
service/recommendationservice ClusterIP 8080/TCP 14m
service/redis-cart ClusterIP 6379/TCP 14m
service/shippingservice ClusterIP 50051/TCP 14m

deployment.apps/adservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/cartservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/checkoutservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/currencyservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/emailservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/frontend 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/loadgenerator 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/paymentservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/productcatalogservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/recommendationservice 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/redis-cart 1/1 1 1 14m
deployment.apps/shippingservice 1/1 1 1 14m

replicaset.apps/adservice-f787c8dcd 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/cartservice-67b89ffc69 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/checkoutservice-75db8bf6f6 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/currencyservice-68887d98fd 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/emailservice-5f8fc7dbb4 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/frontend-5c4745dfdb 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/loadgenerator-86f46dcb88 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/paymentservice-6658569876 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/productcatalogservice-587f8bc64 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/recommendationservice-78965f984b 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/redis-cart-74594bd569 1 1 1 14m
replicaset.apps/shippingservice-6998959488 1 1 1 14m


You can see our all Microservice are installed and running now on their respective pods.

Now if you see above image we have only 1 pod but as we said early Istio inject envoy poxy side car one to one on each and every pod
i.e. in general practise we have

1 pod = 1 microservice(1 container) + 1 Envoy proxy(1 container)

but in above case we only see our micro service running in that pod .. then the question is where is our envoy proxy that istio need to inject.
the reason is we have not told istio to inject envoy proxy to which name space. As we have deploy our all micro service in default name space and ISTIO did not deploy directly envoy proxy to default name space.It does not work like that. We need to deploy our all microservice to one of the name space that has one perticular lable istio-injection-enable and then we need to tell ISTIO will automatically inject envoy proxy into that perticular namespace.

So first we will give a lable to our default name space.

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get ns default –show-labels
default Active 7d6h

As shown above defualt namespace did not have any label associated with it.

Lets give perticular label to this default namespace using below command

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
namespace/default labeled

Check label is applied properly using below command

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get ns default –show-labels
default Active 7d6h istio-injection=enabled

Now lets first remove all our microservice from the default namespace and that can be done using below command.

C:\kubernetes-microservice-yml-files>kubectl delete -f kubernetes-manifests.yaml

Reconfirm all pod is deleted

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get all
service/kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 7d6h

Now again execute this command

C:\kubernetes-microservice-yml-files>kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests.yml

And now you will see we have 2 container in each pod one for the microservice and one for the envoy proxy as we have attached a label istio-injection=enabled to namespace default.

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get all
pod/adservice-f787c8dcd-cws9s 0/2 Pending 0 46s
pod/cartservice-67b89ffc69-vvs4h 0/2 PodInitializing 0 56s
pod/checkoutservice-75db8bf6f6-sgqv2 0/2 PodInitializing 0 60s
pod/currencyservice-68887d98fd-wdj58 0/2 Pending 0 52s
pod/emailservice-5f8fc7dbb4-r77fr 0/2 PodInitializing 0 60s
pod/frontend-5c4745dfdb-q98ph 0/2 PodInitializing 0 60s
pod/loadgenerator-86f46dcb88-4rwrn 0/2 Pending 0 53s
pod/paymentservice-6658569876-dz92z 0/2 Running 0 58s
pod/productcatalogservice-587f8bc64-4rhgh 0/2 Running 0 57s
pod/recommendationservice-78965f984b-664wx 0/2 PodInitializing 0 60s
pod/redis-cart-74594bd569-s99kl 0/2 Pending 0 47s
pod/shippingservice-6998959488-vjg9r 0/2 Pending 0 49s

service/adservice ClusterIP 9555/TCP 46s
service/cartservice ClusterIP 7070/TCP 56s
service/checkoutservice ClusterIP 5050/TCP 64s
service/currencyservice ClusterIP 7000/TCP 51s
service/emailservice ClusterIP 5000/TCP 65s
service/frontend ClusterIP 80/TCP 62s
service/frontend-external LoadBalancer 80:32673/TCP 60s
service/kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 7d6h
service/paymentservice ClusterIP 50051/TCP 59s
service/productcatalogservice ClusterIP 3550/TCP 58s
service/recommendationservice ClusterIP 8080/TCP 63s
service/redis-cart ClusterIP 6379/TCP 48s
service/shippingservice ClusterIP 50051/TCP 50s

deployment.apps/adservice 0/1 1 0 47s
deployment.apps/cartservice 0/1 1 0 58s
deployment.apps/checkoutservice 0/1 1 0 65s
deployment.apps/currencyservice 0/1 1 0 54s
deployment.apps/emailservice 0/1 1 0 65s
deployment.apps/frontend 0/1 1 0 62s
deployment.apps/loadgenerator 0/1 1 0 55s
deployment.apps/paymentservice 0/1 1 0 60s
deployment.apps/productcatalogservice 0/1 1 0 58s
deployment.apps/recommendationservice 0/1 1 0 64s
deployment.apps/redis-cart 0/1 1 0 49s
deployment.apps/shippingservice 0/1 1 0 51s

replicaset.apps/adservice-f787c8dcd 1 1 0 47s
replicaset.apps/cartservice-67b89ffc69 1 1 0 58s
replicaset.apps/checkoutservice-75db8bf6f6 1 1 0 65s
replicaset.apps/currencyservice-68887d98fd 1 1 0 53s
replicaset.apps/emailservice-5f8fc7dbb4 1 1 0 65s
replicaset.apps/frontend-5c4745dfdb 1 1 0 62s
replicaset.apps/loadgenerator-86f46dcb88 1 1 0 55s
replicaset.apps/paymentservice-6658569876 1 1 0 59s
replicaset.apps/productcatalogservice-587f8bc64 1 1 0 58s
replicaset.apps/recommendationservice-78965f984b 1 1 0 63s
replicaset.apps/redis-cart-74594bd569 1 1 0 48s
replicaset.apps/shippingservice-6998959488 1 1 0 51s

Now lets check one of the service

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get pod
adservice-f787c8dcd-cws9s 0/2 Pending 0 4m16s
cartservice-67b89ffc69-vvs4h 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 4 4m26s
checkoutservice-75db8bf6f6-sgqv2 2/2 Running 0 4m30s
currencyservice-68887d98fd-wdj58 0/2 Pending 0 4m22s
emailservice-5f8fc7dbb4-r77fr 2/2 Running 0 4m30s
frontend-5c4745dfdb-q98ph 2/2 Running 0 4m30s
loadgenerator-86f46dcb88-4rwrn 0/2 Pending 0 4m23s
paymentservice-6658569876-dz92z 2/2 Running 0 4m28s
productcatalogservice-587f8bc64-4rhgh 2/2 Running 0 4m27s
recommendationservice-78965f984b-664wx 2/2 Running 1 4m30s
redis-cart-74594bd569-s99kl 0/2 Pending 0 4m17s
shippingservice-6998959488-vjg9r 0/2 Pending 0 4m19s

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl describe pod frontend-5c4745dfdb-q98ph

You will see we have two containers

1- Envoy proxy container
Init Containers:
Container ID: docker://e0866fbd682c329e1567c19052de9090248bf1f06e55459c338d26f2f90aef57
Image ID: docker-pullable://istio/proxyv2@sha256:ee9c153e2f973937befb8af61e7269ab368020b6e7d91b5d891bbbeba55eb266
2- Microservice container
Container ID: docker://0fd8fdb0d5d81f558c042a65ad036539865efcf29218b39d6b44a0ac0b483dc0
Image ID: docker-pullable://

Now we have all things are setup
1- Istio core with Istiod setup
2- We have given the label to default namespace
3- We have installed microservice

Now lets take important aspect of the ISTIO and that is logging in distributed environment.
If you see the download ISTIO C:\istio-1.9.2\samples\addons you will find many yml file that will configure
prometheus, grafana, jaeger, kiali and zipkin

Note:- zipkin yml is inside extra folder i.e. C:\istio-1.9.2\samples\addons\extras

Now lets run this yml files and see on ui how it help us in debugging and monitoring the applications.

Please refer to the below documentation also for more informations.

Now lets apply all this kubernetes yml file as shown below

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl apply -f C:\istio-1.9.2\samples\addons
serviceaccount/grafana created
configmap/grafana created
service/grafana created
deployment.apps/grafana created
configmap/istio-grafana-dashboards created
configmap/istio-services-grafana-dashboards created
deployment.apps/jaeger created
service/tracing created
service/zipkin created
service/jaeger-collector created
Warning: CustomResourceDefinition is deprecated in v1.16+, unavailable in v1.22+; use CustomResourceDefinition created
serviceaccount/kiali created
configmap/kiali created created created created created created
service/kiali created
deployment.apps/kiali created
serviceaccount/prometheus created
configmap/prometheus created created created
service/prometheus created
deployment.apps/prometheus created

now lets check how many pods we were havig in istio-system name space

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get pod -n istio-system
grafana-784c89f4cf-kkcjx 1/1 Running 1 8m8s
istio-ingressgateway-7cc49dcd99-skkcp 1/1 Running 0 72m
istiod-db9f9f86-f4l9d 1/1 Running 0 72m
jaeger-7f78b6fb65-4785w 1/1 Running 0 8m7s
kiali-dc84967d9-jb2dj 1/1 Running 0 7m58s
prometheus-7bfddb8dbf-m2fcw 2/2 Running 0 7m53s

Now as shown above in past we have only 2 pod istiod-db9f9f86-f4l9d and istio-ingressgateway-7cc49dcd99-skkcp but now we have all other pod for respective yml files running in name space istio-system.

Please refer to the documentation and see what these pod do for you in ISTIO. prometheus, kiali, jaeger and grafana
Out of all I personally like Kiali so lets look into it.

first get the service and then do port-forward so that we can access it url.

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl get svc -n istio-system
grafana ClusterIP 3000/TCP 8m50s
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 15021:32200/TCP,80:31541/TCP,443:30513/TCP,15012:32766/TCP,15443:31086/TCP 72m
istiod ClusterIP 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 73m
jaeger-collector ClusterIP 14268/TCP,14250/TCP 8m43s
kiali ClusterIP 20001/TCP,9090/TCP 8m39s
prometheus ClusterIP 9090/TCP 8m34s
tracing ClusterIP 80/TCP 8m46s
zipkin ClusterIP 9411/TCP 8m44s

C:\Users\Siddhartha>kubectl port-forward svc/kiali -n istio-system 20001
Forwarding from -> 20001
Forwarding from [::1]:20001 -> 20001

Now open the this url in browser and you will be able to use kiali ui on browser for our deployed microservices.

Just play with it.

In next lecture we will expose all other logging mechanism in details.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

ISTIO Architecture and Its Components

AS shown in above figure let us consider we have an application that has UI, Module Business logic, Payment and Inventory Microservice.
Now as they are microservice we want them to follow all the rules i.e.

Secure:- Microservice should talk to each other using secure platform.
Connect:- How the request flow should go i.e. how we can divert the 80% request to Module Businesslogic V1 and 20 % to Module Businesslogic V2 M/S.
Observer:- Need to check how the application is doing end to end.
control:- How to control the request i.e. UI can only do get to Module Businesslogic and do post to Payment etc
Scalable:- How the M/S instance need to be scale up and scale down depending on traffic.
Retry Policy:- Number of times the calling M/c need to be called in case of failure.
Cirtuit Breaker:- If one microservice is taking more time then it should respond it to calling M/S stating it fails to fetch the response.
Telemetry or Login:- How the login is taken care for future reference.
API Gateway :- i.e. Implementation of Ingress to perform API gateway approach.
Discovery Server :- i.e. Like Eureka to maintain the list of the M/S that is live and running.

All the above things that is specified is related to Network and nothing to do with M/S logic. So using developer time in this is not good.
Here comes the user of ISTIO as a service mesh.

ISTIO take all the above things in his hand and allow the developer to just write the code.
For doing this it uses the concept of side-car proxy design pattern. i.e. in this it will first inject a microservice that act as an proxy for all the microservice and is tightly coupled with it. IT has one to one relation withe M/C . I.e. as we have 4 M/C we will have 4 proxy Service as shown below.

Architecture of ISTIO and its component.

As shown above first we install ISTIO core component. This core component will inject Proxy side care M/S in to our system with 1 to 1 mapping.Now when ever the M/S want to take each other they have to go through Proxy. No direct communication is set between M/S. i.e. if Ui want to talk to payment it will send request to Proxy of UI M/S and then the request is send to Proxy of Payment and finally it reach to Payment M/S.

Additionally, ISTIO make sure that single Proxy and single M/S are placed in a single container i.e docker container so that they can communicate with each other using http://localhost. This will be taken care by Kubernetes framework.

Now the question is how we can inform Kubernetes to configure ISTIO. In practical ISTIO extends Kubernetes and hence to configure it we can write CRD.
We first write CRD i.e. *.yml files and gave it to Galley which will validate it and gave it to pilot which will convert that request into understandable language which proxy understand.

Further to add policy like 80% or 20% and certain rules like only get or post request is allowed can be done using policy component.
To check all the logs and what is happening inside the ecosystem using ISTIO we have telmentry component. All the proxy report them self to telementry component.

Finally, to generate, allocate and rollout https certificate to all the M/C we have citadel so that the proxy can do the mutual TLS when they talk to each others.

this ISTIO microservice was existing till 1.5 version now in above that version we are having only three components. components like telemntry and Policy are moved to proxy M/S .

now as we know the Architecture and behaviour of the ISTIO to configure it we need three main CRD.

Now these three CRD which is used to configured ISTIO are
1- Gateway CRD:- That will be responsible to take the request http/https from the outside world and send it to ISTIO. i.e. Zuul Server.
2- Virtual service CRD:- this can be either attached to the Gateway and divert the traffic to other M/S or it can be implemented between the M/S and we can implement policy like 80% and 20% canary deployment rules.
3- Destination policy CRD:- Once the request is sent to your M/S we can apply rule policy over top of that i.e. TLS and retry and circuit breaking etc.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Service Mesh Concept

Service Mesh Concept

Before going to understand ServiceMesh concept lets try to understand few of the concept of MicroService.
As you know in MicroService we bifurcate/divide our monolithic application into a small part so that this small unit adhere to microservice principle i.e.

But when we divide our application into pieces for better performance and availability, but it injects more work on the developer side.
i.e. We now need to handle following functionality on all the microservice instance which we were doing in single monolithic application
1- configuration
2- Loggin
3- Deployment
4- Circuit break
5- Retry policy
6- Security
7- Observability of all the service
8- documentation
9- Authorization
10- CORPS issues
11- API Gate way
12- Discovery server.

Maintaining above all aspect is not easy. It takes a huge time and efforts from the developer point of views.
So it is a mandate for the organization and team who wants to move to microservice architecture to adhere and accept this risk before you go for it.
So there are many possible approaches to move your monolithic application into microservice.
1- Nuclear way :- In this we completely move/transfer our monolithic application into microservice in one go. I personally believe this is not the right way to go.
2- Ice cream scoop policy :- in this we take one by one functionality from the monolithic application and transfer them in to microservice and inject it in to our application.

Now as stated above in microservice we do all the above things using concept like

1- configuration – Springboot configuration server.
2- Logging – using zipkin and sluth
4- Circuit break- Using Hystrix
5- Retry policy-
6- Security – by adding spring security and https
7- Observability of all the service – using Eureka server
8- documentation – using swagger
9- Authorization- using Oauth2 or JWT token.
11-Api gateway – Using zuul server
12- Discovery server – Using Eureka Server

But if you see above in Microservice the developer should be more concentration on writing business logic but here it seems he is more in writing the code that is needed by the network. To over come this we need service mesh concept.

Mesh :- it means group of network or we can say it is like fish net and service mesh means group or network of service.

So as shown above in microservice all other except business logic are of networking using developer time in it is not wise.
Service mesh concept is used in it. Wherein developer only concentrate on business logic and all other things are taken care by Service mesh.
Many service mesh concept implementer are available best of it is ISTIO. In coming lecture we will try to setup and implement ISTIO on our machine and will see how it implements Service mesh concept.