- Download Nodeclipse from below given location
or You can also try belwo given URL to drag drop in your Eclipse. We had used Mars version of Eclipse.
or You can also try belwo given URL to drag drop in your Eclipse. We had used Mars version of Eclipse.
- Download latest version of Node.js from
- Window, Linux and MAc version are available
- Window :- https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.9.1/node-v6.9.1-x64.msi
- Window :- https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.9.1/node-v6.9.1-x64.msi
For window Once you installed Nodejs it will create nodejs inside Program Files folder of C:\
C:\Program Files\nodejs
C:\Program Files\nodejs
Make sure you had node.exe and npm.cmd inside this folder.
- Add this in your PATH to make Nodejs available on cmd prompt by adding following line your system path.
C:\Program Files\nodejs\
- Check availability of Node js using following command on command prompt
node --version
- Add this in your PATH to make Nodejs available on cmd prompt by adding following line your system path.
C:\Program Files\nodejs\
- Check availability of Node js using following command on command prompt
node --version
- This will display the version of installed NodeJs.
- Open your above nodeclipse and bydefault it will come with inbuild Node js. If you want to use latest Node js use configure your Eclipse using below screen.
Window --> Preference --> NodeEclipse
Window --> Preference --> NodeEclipse
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